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A Life Well Lived - third in a series of Insight Dialogue Retreat Days

In this series of three daylong retreats, we will take time in silence and relational meditation (Insight Dialogue*) to investigate the role that Sila (ethics), Samadhi (absorption) and Panna (wisdom) play in cultivating a life well lived.

*Insight Dialogue (ID) is a relational meditation practice for developing awareness and wisdom. It is designed to help us awaken together and integrate our understanding of Dharma teachings in a direct and immediate way.

Supported by six Insight Dialogue guidelines, we bring kind awareness right into the heart of speaking and listening, often in pairs. Establishing these guidelines helps us to deepen our meditation while contemplating the Dharma together, allowing for experiential insight into the teachings. ID also supports the weaving of a vibrant community of Dharma friendship as we collaborate in the awakening process together.

We meditate together, recognising and unbinding the relational knots that cause suffering in our lives. In ID practice we engage with the buddha's teachings experientially, accessing their relevance to our wider lives.

28 June

A Life Well Lived - second in a series of Insight Dialogue Retreat Days