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Mindful Singing and Meditation

Mindfulness is a natural way of being that we can experience when absorbed in the present moment. Singing mantras offers a way to drop into mindfulness and develop mindfulness through our voice.

An attitude of acceptance and kindness supports us to be open to experience in the here and now. One interpretation of mindfulness is ‘Present Heart’. Singing mantras can help us connect with our heart and develop a sense of connection to others in the group.

You do not need any particular previous experience to attend, just an open mind. Mantras are easy to learn and are universally accessible. You’ll be introduced to the different Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, like Tara and Amitaba, that can help us bring positive qualities to mind that support mindfulness such as love, compassion and transformation.

Over the last 40 years there has been a growing body of research showing how mindfulness can increase wellbeing. There is also more recent research showing how singing mantras can reduce stress levels.

As well as singing mantras together, there will be guided meditations.

14 September

Day retreat of Insight Dialogue with Rosalie Dores

16 November

Brahmavihara - heart practices of kindness, compassion, appreciation and equanimity.